The dawn of home-based artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in the emergence of personalized AI assistants. These digital companions are becoming increasingly sophisticated, integrating into various aspects of daily life. Mai, an AI system conceived to deliver constant and engaging interaction, stands at the forefront of this revolution. Crafted using Unreal Engine and MetaHumans, Mai operates from the convenience of your home server or workstation, offering a unique, immersive, and secure AI experience across multiple platforms. Achieving this vision, however, comes with its challenges, especially regarding the high GPU memory requirements.

Section 1: Groundbreaking Working Model and the Road Ahead

Our working prototype of Mai encapsulates the future of AI-human interaction. This version showcases AI’s potential in its most engaging form, utilizing advanced AI models to deliver comprehensive assistance and rich dialogue. Mai’s current iteration, however, demands a robust computational resource—specifically, a whopping 48GB of GPU memory divided between two graphics cards. As we tread forward, we face the complex task of optimizing these requirements to expand Mai’s accessibility. At the same time, we must ensure no compromises on its quality or functionality.

The cornerstone of our optimization efforts focuses on reducing the memory demand. Achieving this without diminishing Mai’s performance will require innovative solutions and strategic planning. Our team is relentlessly pursuing research and development initiatives aimed at achieving this delicate balance. The goal is to ensure that Mai’s extraordinary capabilities remain intact, while the system becomes more widely accessible.

Section 2: Harnessing Unreal Engine and MetaHumans in a Home-Based System

The power of Unreal Engine and MetaHumans has been instrumental in creating Mai’s high-fidelity, real-time interaction environments. Through these technologies, we’ve achieved an incredibly lifelike representation of Mai, offering high-definition graphics and immediate responses. However, the impressive graphics and instantaneous interactions necessitate a large amount of GPU memory—a significant challenge when working within the constraints of home-based servers and workstations.

To navigate this issue, our team is exploring techniques to optimize memory usage without degrading the interaction quality. Efforts include investigating different rendering techniques and exploring how we can make the most out of the hardware available. We remain steadfast in our commitment to deliver an AI experience that feels incredibly lifelike, regardless of the technical challenges we encounter.

Section 3: Ensuring Cross-Platform Accessibility Amidst High Performance Needs

Mai’s development is rooted in the goal of universal accessibility. We’re working tirelessly to ensure Mai can operate smoothly on different platforms—Windows and Android—providing users with a consistent AI experience. Creating this cross-platform accessibility amidst the high computational needs of Mai is no small feat.

This challenge is two-fold: ensuring consistent functionality across platforms while also maintaining a responsive and engaging user experience. We are continuously exploring optimization techniques and performance tuning to meet these goals. Although a daunting task, we remain committed to our mission of making Mai’s unprecedented personalized assistance available to all, regardless of platform.

Section 4: Venturing into VR Integration in a Home-Based Environment

Beyond an always-on AI assistant, Mai has the potential to emerge as a key player in immersive VR experiences. This vision opens the doors to even deeper levels of engagement between Mai and users. However, integrating VR into a home-based system without compromising interaction quality or response time brings a new level of complexity to our task.

The challenge is to ensure seamless, low-latency interaction within the VR environment. This requires meticulous optimization and performance tuning, as well as sophisticated hardware utilization strategies. Despite the complexities, we remain excited about the transformative potential of VR integration and are committed to pushing boundaries and investing in the necessary research and development.

Section 5: Upholding Data Security in the Midst of Technical Innovation

Navigating the technical complexities of developing Mai goes hand in hand with a steadfast commitment to user privacy and data security. All of Mai’s data and interactions are stored locally on the user’s home server or workstation, eliminating any need for third-party data sharing. This approach prioritizes user privacy but also introduces its own unique challenges.

In addition to the computational demands of an always-on AI assistant, local data storage requirements must also be considered. Ensuring these data are secure, yet accessible for Mai’s operations, requires intricate data management strategies. Despite these challenges, we are unwavering in our dedication to delivering a secure, privacy-conscious, and trustworthy AI companion.

Section 6: The Role of Multiple Local Models in Powering Mai

Mai’s versatility and depth stem from a unique ensemble of AI models that operate locally on the user’s server or workstation. These models, each designed for a different purpose, work together to provide Mai’s wide array of services. Together, they form the heart of Mai’s capabilities, transforming it from a mere digital assistant into a dynamic and engaging companion.

Central to Mai’s conversational capabilities is the Language Learning Model (LLM), which is built upon the powerful LLama2 architecture. The Whisper model enables voice-to-text conversion, helping Mai understand spoken commands, while a text-to-speech model gives Mai her voice. Meanwhile, a diffusion model allows Mai to generate images on demand, adding a unique visual facet to the interactions. For tasks such as natural language processing and other categorizations, simpler models like multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) are employed. Furthermore, specific video-related tasks are handled by other specialized models.

Although the simultaneous operation or dynamic loading of these models is computationally intensive, it is crucial for delivering a multifaceted, responsive AI companion in Mai. As we venture forward, one of our main challenges lies in optimizing the orchestration of these models to reduce hardware demands without compromising the breadth and quality of Mai’s services.

Section 7: Tackling the Technical Challenge of Running Multiple Local Models

The necessity to run multiple AI models locally presents a significant challenge, particularly considering the high computational resources and GPU memory demands. In our current setup, two GPUs, each with 24GB of memory, are required for Mai’s operation—a demand that we aim to decrease.

Optimizing the system to ensure these models can run simultaneously or be readily loaded when needed adds a layer of complexity to the task. It requires not only sophisticated resource management strategies but also advanced knowledge of how to leverage hardware resources effectively. We are pursuing numerous optimization techniques and architectural changes to streamline this process, ensuring quick response times and high-quality interactions.

We remain confident that these challenges, while substantial, are surmountable. Our team is dedicated to exploring every avenue to realize the vision of a home-based, always-on AI system. We believe the future of AI lies within these home-based solutions, and we’re committed to turning this vision into reality.


Mai represents a paradigm shift in AI interaction—bringing an ‘always-on’, personalized AI companion to your home server or workstation. This ambitious project comes with its share of technical challenges, particularly relating to GPU memory requirements. However, we are deeply committed to this journey and are passionate about realizing Mai’s potential. We’re focused on making Mai more than just an impressive AI assistant—we aim to provide a trusted, privacy-centric companion that can truly revolutionize everyday life.

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