The digital transformation wave, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), is steadily pushing the boundaries of technology, guiding us towards a future where AI seamlessly integrates into our daily lives. Pioneering this shift is ‘Mai,’ a groundbreaking, locally-powered AI systems.

With a unique set of capabilities, Mai has revolutionized the way we interact with AI, standing out from traditional AI system. Let’s delve into Mai’s remarkable features, including its innovative ‘front and back brain’ design and impressive computational infrastructure, that mark the dawn of a new AI era.

Unleashing the Power of Unending Learning

Mai’s remarkable learning capability is a testament to the advancements in AI. Equipped with state-of-the-art embeddings and vector databases, Mai boasts an ‘unending memory’ that facilitates continuous learning. Whether the local model lacks specific information or the information is outdated, Mai bridges these gaps, ensuring its knowledge remains current and comprehensive. The concept of a truly dynamic AI is no longer a dream with Mai, an AI system that remains updated with the latest information.

Personalizing AI with Backstory and Behaviour Controls

A unique aspect of Mai is its distinctive personality, shaped by its backstory and behaviour controls. These features bring Mai to life, making interactions with Mai resemble conversations with a close friend. By bridging the gap between machine-like predictability and human-like unpredictability, Mai offers a unique, engaging AI experience.

Leveraging Low-Rank Adaptation for Efficient Learning

Mai’s efficient learning process is powered by a cutting-edge technique known as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRa). LoRa aids in the fine-tuning of large language models by freezing pre-trained model weights and incorporating trainable layers within each transformer block. This approach drastically reduces GPU memory requirements and the number of trainable parameters.

Even during its ‘sleep’ cycles, Mai’s learning continues unabated. LoRa is utilized to fine-tune Mai during these cycles, enriching its intelligence and personality while integrating the latest information for optimized responses. This continual learning capability renders Mai a standout AI — constantly evolving and improving.

Utilizing Innovative Brain Design for High-Quality Responses

Mai’s proficiency in generating high-quality responses stems from its novel ‘front and back brain’ design. The ‘back brain’ employs a system of chain of thought to predict user intent accurately. The ‘interface’ aligns these predictions with the broader context, and the ‘front brain’ synthesizes these elements to generate the most suitable responses.

The harmony between these distinct parts results in a system capable of solving complex problems by calling its own API, while also refining its performance based on user needs. This elegant integration of front and back brain systems gives Mai the capability to deliver precise, contextual, and high-quality answers.

Facilitating Natural Conversations

Mai goes beyond AI systems that merely respond; it converses. With its ability to ask follow-up questions, Mai enhances the flow of interactions, creating a personal touch that users appreciate. This capability, which mimics human conversation dynamics, fosters deeper user engagement and a more personalized and intuitive AI interaction.

Ensuring Data Security and Quick Responses with Local Server Solution

In today’s world, where data privacy is paramount, Mai takes a stand. Mai operates as a local server or workstation-based software, utilizing multiple GPUs to ensure secure, quick, and local operations. This design ensures that user data remains within the local network, guaranteeing superior data security. The local server solution also assures fast inference times, ensuring that Mai’s responses are not only intelligent but timely.

Bringing AI to Life with Unreal Engine and MetaHumans

Taking AI interaction to the next level, Mai leverages the power of Unreal Engine and MetaHumans to embody the AI, creating a visually appealing and realistic interface. This embodiment of AI goes beyond the confines of a screen; users can step into Virtual Reality (VR) and converse with Mai in any environment, offering an immersive AI interaction experience like no other.

The Computational Infrastructure Behind Mai

Mai’s impressive functionalities are backed by a robust computational infrastructure. Presently, it requires 2 GPUs each with 24GB RAM to operate effectively, indicating the system’s immense processing power. Inside the system, as many as 12 models collaborate within the interface, each serving distinct purposes. MLP models handle NLP tasks, Transformers manage language processing, and Diffusers tackle image and movie generation. In addition, other specialized neural networks oversee video and audio review. This intricate ensemble empowers Mai to decide whether to ask a question at any given time, enhancing the interaction’s dynamism.


Mai is not just another AI; it signifies a paradigm shift in the way we interact with artificial intelligence. With its endless learning capabilities, commitment to data privacy, continuous evolution, innovative brain design, and its embodiment using Unreal Engine and MetaHumans, Mai sets itself apart from traditional AI systems. By utilizing innovative techniques like LoRa and advanced concepts like vector databases and embeddings, Mai personifies the future of AI — a future where AI is not just smart, but also adaptable, engaging, secure, and immersive. As we herald this new era of digital interaction, Mai stands ready to lead the way, backed by an impressive computational setup and a wide array of specialized models contributing to its performance. The journey towards perfecting Mai is ongoing, but the progress so far is undeniably inspiring.

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