We are thrilled to introduce our innovative project—Mai, an interactive model under development, at the intersection of the Unreal Engine, MetaHumans, Virtual Reality (VR), Vector Databases, and Transformer Large Language Models (LLMs). While the amalgamation of these cutting-edge technologies is fascinating, a critical challenge we’re addressing is enabling long-term memory in Transformer LLMs—a feature brought to life by the potent use of Vector Databases.

Section 1: Laying the Groundwork: Understanding the Key Components

Unreal Engine and MetaHumans have revolutionized the gaming and entertainment industry, taking interactivity and realism to unprecedented levels. Their potential in the realm of VR is equally promising, offering us an expansive canvas to shape our model, Mai.

In the AI sphere, Transformer LLMs have significantly transformed natural language processing. These models excel in understanding context and generating human-like text. However, one hurdle that stands between their potential and perfection is the issue of long-term memory—remembering and correlating information over a more extended period.

Here’s where Vector Databases enter the picture. Vector Databases, a kind of NoSQL database, excel at handling multi-dimensional data, making them a powerful ally for our cause. They are efficient, scalable, and designed to handle complex queries—a crucial feature for our interactive model.

Section 2: The Science of Long-Term Memory in Transformers: Vector Databases

Long-term memory in Transformer LLMs involves remembering context over a large number of tokens—something not inherently present in the model architecture. The integration of Vector Databases, however, can mitigate this challenge.

Vector Databases allow us to store and recall information effectively, thereby facilitating the “memory” aspect. They enable us to create a data architecture that captures and retains crucial context over a more extended period, which is vital for our model, Mai.

Section 3: “Mai”: The Future of Interactive VR

Our model, Mai, is the embodiment of this confluence of technologies. It leverages Vector Databases to facilitate long-term memory in Transformer LLMs, enabling more natural and fluid interactions. Coupled with the visual realism brought in by Unreal Engine and MetaHumans, and the immersive experience of VR, Mai is set to break new ground in VR interactivity.

It’s important to note that Mai is still in its prototype phase. We’ve seen exciting results in our initial tests, but we’re also aware there’s a lot more to explore and refine.

Section 4: Our Journey and Future Plans

Building Mai has been a journey of discovery, of overcoming challenges, and breaking new ground in VR interactivity. We’ve learned a lot, and we’re excited to continue iterating, refining, and expanding upon what we’ve built so far.

While we’re eager to share Mai with the world, our current focus is on enhancing its capabilities and ensuring its stability. We’re continually improving the interaction between the various technologies involved to realize the full potential of this model.


The convergence of Vector Databases and Transformer LLMs represents a powerful force that has the potential to revolutionize VR interactivity. We’re at the beginning of this exciting journey with Mai, and we look forward to taking you along as we further explore this frontier.

Your feedback and thoughts are valuable to us, and we invite you to engage with us in this ongoing conversation about the future of interactive VR models.

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